Monday 5 January 2015

Walk Jog Run!

Many of you will be inspired  to take up running as a way to keep fit and probably shift the pounds.  Running can be done at a time to fit in with your life - it's free, you can fit it in to your busy schedule and you can get a good workout in a short time.  All things that fit into our busy lifestyles.

Thing is, unless you are a natural runner - it can be a scary and intimidating thing to do. Here are some basics about how to get ready to run, a bit about techniques and finally the benefits of endurance exercise.

1. Every* human being is born with the ability to run. Children run. We just lose that confidence and fitness to do this as adults.  So feel confident that all you have to do is unlock your potential.

2. If you have not run since you were a child, then you will need to give your body a bit of time to get your joints and ligaments used to impact (they will get stronger, so all good).  This means you will need to jog/walk initially rather than think you can get your trainers on and do a 5K...

3. Base your running pace on your walking stride.  Walk first for about 5 mins to get the blood pumping in your legs, then walk a bit faster as if you were late for the bus - increase your stride length. Finally start to "run" at your fast walking pace. Your teeth may rattle and you will be conscious of all of your wobbly bits, but hey, it won’t last too long!  Finally, set yourself a target - walk 10 steps, run 10 steps and repeat. Don't overdo it on the first session as you are going to ache to begin with, and if you are dying from the aching it will put you off going back.  Increase your "runs" to walk 10 steps, run 20 steps then 30 steps etc. Then set a time - say 30 seconds, with walk recovery - the recovery should be until you are still a bit breathless but not breathing at your normal rate.

4. Breathing....ok this gets people. First, you are going to get out of breath. This is normal and is the key to triggering fat burn so get out of breath. Secondly, your body will always breathe in, so don’t worry about that bit. Concentrate on long, slow out breaths – like a long sigh...

5. Clothing. Basically you need a strong pair of trainers with a fairly wide and thick sole. Expensive Running shoes won’t make you run better at the start, so just get some you can afford – Sports Direct do great deals.  For the girls only (sorry guys) a good bra, tighten the straps (racer back if you can) and then a “vest” with support top if you are above a C cup to let you focus on your feet and not the puppies...Finally, a high viz item of clothing is a sound and sensible move.  

6. Technique – long walking stride not bouncing up and down like bambi. Aim to glide not spring...  Heels down first and push off the balls of the feet. Arms bent at the elbow and shoulders relaxed. You will find your own style soon enough but please remember that you are not 7yrs old so you don’t have to bounce around. For more information on running tips think about joining some of the excellent clubs will be in your area. I am not a natural runner, so this introductory information is what helped me, but if you want to get better, find a good running coach.J

7. Motivation. Find someone to go with, join a club (C25K – couch potato to 5k) parkruns (Saturday morning 9am ) or do what I do, get the headphones on a run for **mins quietly swearing under my breath......

8. Benefits – great increases in metabolism that can last for around 2 hours after the session (but don't eat sugar to max out on your fat burning potential)  the classic sign of fat burning is of course, sweat - there should be plenty of that!  Running, like all endurance work, builds more blood vessels for you to ship oxygen around and pick it up in the lungs, so things will get easier and feel easier! Endurance work builds more mitochondria in the cells and makes the ones there even bigger - this will improve your energy uptake (ie burn more calories whilst doing the same level of exercise and makes it feel easier), running also increases the strength of your heart, improves tone in your legs and bum, that shaking around improves the tone on your belly too – makes you SMILE J xxx

9. Time your first mile.  Don't worry what the figure is.  Just use it as your baseline and record it once a month to see your improvements. There are plenty of apps out there that you can use on your phone - Map my Run, Strava etc

10. Finally, running makes you great friends. Having someone to chat to as you do the miles is both good for the mind, body and soul. You have nothing to lose (apart from a few pounds) and much to gain.  Just try it. You might be surprised :)

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