Wednesday 27 December 2017


Motivation to exercise

“If not you – then who?” – was one of the motivational quotes put up in the team dressing room when I was Team Manager for the WWRU (Wales Women Rugby Union) in the late 1990’s. The quote was meant to inspire you to step up to the mark, to not shy away and basically put your body in the line. But it still has relevance today when at this time over the year, in particular, when the lazy days of eating, drinking and generally relaxing down can then have us thinking “I must get fit again” 

My overriding message to you in the first instance is DO NOT FEEL Guilty. Negative self talk is an easy way to undermine our motivation with phrases like “look at the state of you” “how did you let yourself go” “why can’t l look like….”. Stop that now and start today, yes before the “I’ll start in January” vagueness, start saying “you can do this” “keep trying” “you are worth it”

My second message is to see the act if exercise as a gift to yourself. A short period of time in your day where you are going to nurture, value and invest in YOU. You are going to switch off from chores, phones and other responsibilities in order to look after your mind and body. Set yourself a time to do this when you know you can fit in about 20-60 minutes of space, or even snippets of time throughout the day. Make sure that you are wearing comfy clothes that you can move about in but don’t let the barriers of changing outfits stop you having time to yourself. 

My third message is four exercise suggestions – choose the one or two you like the sound of the best. Look at yourself in the mirror and say these words “we can do this”

1. Get out of breath – 20 minutes of brisk walking(esp uphills) or jogging, running, cycling will boost your metabolism, energise you and get rid of any cobwebs 
2. Feel the burn – working your muscles to the point when you can feel the “heat” of the muscle shows that you have found the point of making a change. Pick two exercises from the list below and do as many as you can of each until you feel the muscles “burning”. Switch to second exercise and repeat to same point. Repeat each block 3 times. 
a. Plank and squats
b. Sit-ups and press-ups 
c. Lunges and shoulder press
d. Sumo (wide) squats and side sit-ups
3. Be creative- clear a space in your lounge and set up a dance floor studio to release your inner diva. Get on your favourite music. The key to success here is CONSTANT movement for 20 minutes non-stop. Set your watch or phone and just keep moving. The first 5 to 10 minutes you will feel awkward and stiff but you will soon loosen up and then really start to go for it. Ideally you should have both an inner and outward glow of starlight sweat…
4. Be mean – as an opposing idea to the one above, create your beast mode cave studio. Split into four areas – one heart rate. One upper body. One lower body. One core. Write down two exercises on a piece of paper (use any above or see further suggestions below or in other blog pages). Each area needs one piece of equipment. A mat. A skipping rope or something sturdy to step up on. A heavy weight like a kettle bell, so maybe a brick or stone, heavy ornament like a door stop etc. A bar like object such as a broom if you don’t have anything else available. 
a. Time each area for 40 seconds with 10 seconds changeover
b. Move from each section in rotation doing one exercise at each station on the first round and the other exercise on the second round
c. This should take 8 minutes. Take a 2 minute break and then repeat again if you can. 
d. Mat station – plank. Sit-ups. Press ups. Side plank
e. Cardio station – high knee running, skipping, step ups or jumping jacks
f. Weighted station – shoulder press, kettle bell swings, forward raise – with squat or lunge if you want, full body circle in both directions with weight
g. Bar section – squats with bar on shoulders, forward lunge using bar like walking stick, side steps wide keeping bar in centre of wide squat and dropping to outside arm as you step, finally keeping bar in front on you, hold with two hands squat low, push up then squat gain brining bar to side of body. 
This is of course my motivation too. I am only human. Come back again tomorrow for more tips. 

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