Wednesday 24 February 2021

Spring is coming - get ready!


With spring in the air and the knowledge that we are fast approaching what will be the one-year anniversary of when we realised that Covid would be a “thing”, there feels to me like an inertia rather than drive to believe that change is coming. February to me always seems so dead in the garden and I ever wonder if things are going to grow again. We have to have faith that we will  - and likewise a faith that our lives will too.

Much like any good gardener, it is worth preparing for the summer ahead, and so here are 3 basics to help you blossom this summer after a winter of lockdown x.

1.       Daily activity has a significant impact on physical and mental health. The rate of activity has directly influences your mood, your resilience to stress, pain, and anxiety. The length of time that you are active for can change your fitness level but more importantly, affect what is know as BDNF (the happy neurotransmitters). My RBHFitness tip:

a.       2 x daily activity sessions a day – one am, one pm

b.       One session to be over 30 mins

c.       Try to get breathless at some point – walk up a hill, jump a little etc

2.       Much like good compost, your body is always governed by the nutrients you give it.  To help your mental health and improve your body you will need to eat all the rainbow colours you can find. A healthy amount of plant-based foods alongside  a reduction in processed sugar will reduce lethargy, increase concentration and memory as well as build a stronger body. My RBHFitness tip:

a.       “Superfoods”  - that boost energy include, blueberries, dark greens, olive oil etc

b.       Anti-inflammatory foods to reduce bloating include ginger and turmeric which you can add to your cooking

c.       Any fat you eat gets stored as fat on your body. If you want to reduce body fat, try cutting  fat down in the first instance.

3.       Rest – like the flowers and trees that have lain dormant for many months, you too need to give your body chance to repair.  Sleep can be elusive for some, anxiety for others mean that they can’t unwind.  My RBHFitness tip:

a.       Melatonin –  this hormone is your “biological night”.  Help your body to understand the difference between “night and day” by boosting your exposure to natural sunlight in the day, and reducing your light in the evening by switching off blue light (phone, tv, pc etc), have candles and a quiet 30 mins before bed

b.       Try to reduce your food intake as you approach bedtime. Or even consider a specific time in the evening to stop eating e.g. 8pm. You can still have water or herbal tea, but not ones that include caffeine.

#springiscoming #changeisontheway #prepare #health&wellbeing #lookafteryourself #cadwnheini #cadwniachsa

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