Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Practical steps - to stop pretending everything is ok - Mental Health Matters x


Mental health was once portrayed as some kind of affliction that beset a person of weak fibre – see negative comments about Caroline Flack this week, let alone a once princess and the mockery she suffered at the hands of Piers Morgan.  Unlike other conditions, it is not easy to show you are suffering from mental health problems  - see also the photo being showed of Gary Speed this week. Here are examples, of people going about their daily lives, portraying, outwardly, all the signs that everything is well, and yet internally having suicidal thoughts. Clinical depression needs medical attention. But that doesn’t mean because you are not at this dreadful stage, that your own (our own) mental health is not suffering – and like others, we often pretend that we are “ok” – or how often do you find that there is no one to talk to about this, because you are told to “cheer up” or “other people are in a worse place” or “don’t worry” – it is no wonder that the smile is slapped on to hide feelings.

Anyway, having had my huge anxiety last summer, I found out some interesting facts about practical ways to help mental health. This is not to say a kind word, a hug, some understanding and maybe even some tablets are not relevant – they are. But, here’s the thing. There are no nonsense easy things we can all shove into our lives, much like taking vitamins to ward off and help us make it. Yes, I  know, when you are in the doldrums, the motivation to do anything is missing….I get that, which makes these steps even more important because if you are looking for a “feeling” to help you out when all you are feeling is gloom, it is not going to work is it. So, get a diary, get a calendar, and write down these things to complete as a task each day. Give yourself a tick if it is done but be a bit flexible – somewhere between flawless and failure. Every day ok?

1.       10-minute walk outside 3 times a day – before work, lunchtime, before bed.

2.       Increase your greens, add some blueberries, and cut down sugar

3.       Have a rage day where you punch a punch bag or run fast, or dance like a loon

4.       Write down all of your negative thoughts on paper – either keep or throw away

5.       Spend 5 mins every day just sitting still, deep breathing and listening to all the tiny noises around you, the wind in the trees, the creaking floorboards, the gurgle of your belly.

Science backs these items as solid go-to helpers, as successful as antidepressants, in reducing anxiety and affording protection from stress. It is not fool proof, and  there still might be off days, but they will be less. Take Care of yourself. Seek medical help if you need to. Be kind. Be practical. Be aware. Believe the science x

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