Thursday 19 February 2015

40 Day Challenge...

Yesterday was the first day of Lent and I was listening to a radio programme where people were talking about what they were going to “give up” for the next 6 weeks.  The idea behind Lent is based in Christianity and is one of penance and self-denial, leading up to Easter weekend – lasting around 6 weeks.  Although Lent is strongly connected to religion and the 40 days the Iesu spent in the desert enduring the “temptations of the devil”, much of today’s society use it as a way of collectively abstaining from an item or items that are perceived to be “bad” for us.  There are other ways that this is done in many other religions and maybe there is something good in human nature that drives us to a time of self-denial of the thing that we want the most that we think if we give up we become a “better” person. 

So, regardless of your religious or non-religious beliefs, are you considering giving things up?

Here are some of my suggestions that you could try for a six week period that will touch the elements of self-denial in the face of temptation....and if your will power is not what you hoped it would be, then I also have a reverse Lent idea where I will suggest things to take up over the next 40 days.

Sugar - seriously, the easiest way to feel better, reduce weight, reduce bloating, etc is to give up sugar – in particular processed sugar.  No added sugar in tea or coffee, nothing with sugar in it biscuits, cakes, chocolate, sugary cereals, etc. 

Alcohol - give your liver a holiday...

Internet – only 30 mins a day (outside of work of course) – includes, phone, ipads etc as well as pc....use the spare time it to do something useful

Take up
5k Challenge – run, walk or cycle 5K EVERY day.  Wear a Fitbit or pedometer or walk for about an hour, run for 30 mins.

New exercise – find something that challenges you or take up a sport you did as a child – even roller skating....!

Pay it Forward – mental health is as important as physical health so every day for the next 40 days be kind to someone, give someone a compliment, help someone out...

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