Tuesday 10 February 2015

Core Workout - Gym or Home

Please find below  a core workout that you can do when you are pushed for time.  The workout is split into Gym and Home – although the main thrust of any core workout is balance and therefore this is heavily based on body weight, gravity and free weights.  You can do the workout below in order, or you can mix and match this with your upper body workout to fit in with the time that you have in the gym.  This workout is slightly shorter – but that is because it is more intense.  Please do not sacrifice technique at any time – if you are losing shape, take some time out and begin again. Always have good posture. Be injury free.

Gym - usually the gym will have a range of equipment to challenge the core, but don’t be worried if they don’t have these – simply add some of the home workout exercises to your session.

Crossover Cable – chop. Have the handle at a high level. Stand side on to the machine in a wide stance. Hold the handle with your right hand above head height if possible with palm towards ceiling. Pull the cable across your body towards your left knee, rotating as you go so that you end up looking towards the floor. It will help to bend your right knee inwards and turn hips slightly. Return to the starting position slowly and under control – however a deep out breath and little shout will help as you pull the cable across your body. Repeat 10 times and then change sides.

Lunge – use dumbbells that are heavy enough to feel slight stress in your body but not so heavy that you are unable to hold them at shoulder height.  Start with feet hip distance apart and step forward with your right leg to a larger than normal walking pace – lift both arms out in front to shoulder height with palms facing towards each other. As you lower the back knee towards the floor swing the straight arms across the body until the hands are in line with the left shoulder. Breathe out. Step back and repeat on the other side until you can do no more – if you have got up to 50 for goodness sakes increase your weight!

Plank – run.  On elbows and knees/straight legs. Chin tucked in. Lift knee off the floor and bring to the side of the body. Repeat with other leg in rhythmical fashion until technique wavers. Repeat this 3 times with a stretch back in between.

Rows.  Remaining in plank position but with straight arms and holding dumbbells in your hands. Row the dumbbell off the floor to shoulder height. Repeat as many times as possible without losing form.

Squat and Press/kick back – In squat position (See previous post) with dumbbells you can swing forwards – so heavier than your normal arm weight. Squat down and swing hands downwards (and slightly under) and between legs.  Use the power of the legs and hips to stand up and allow the weight to swing up to shoulder or head height (do not force this). For added core work then as you come up stand on one leg. You should aim for about 20-30 reps.

Overhead Pull – knee on floor with feet towards the cable machine. Narrow grip on handle above head, with narrow elbow like a Tricep press. Curl forwards pulling the cable with you and over head towards chest. Return slowly with good control. Breathe out as you come down and make sure you have good posture when you finish.

Oblique Twist – sit on bum with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Hold dumbbells in both hands. Twist to side and touch dumbbell to the floor – you may lean back a bit. To make harder do this with one leg off the floor – or both legs for a killer abs session.

Fold up – lie flat on back in star shape. Breathe out hard and roll up into a ball then return to star shape with control. To make harder, roll up into ball shape but balance in a sitting position with feet off the floor.

Home Workout
100s – Pilates exercise. Lie on back. Lift feet to knee height, keep knees over hips. Lift head and shoulder off floor – hold if cramping. Tap floor with hands 100 times....or less! Breathe throughout this exercise.

Moving Plank – on side. Elbow bent, ribs lifted and then on knee or straight leg. Lift other leg off the floor in line with hip and straighten other arm overhead, palm towards floor and arm in line with ear. Bring elbow and knee together 15 times then hold in extended position for 15 seconds. Do the next exercise and then repeat on the other side.

Swimming – on hands and knees, slowly extend opposite arm and leg away from body keeping bas held away from stomach. Take arm and leg slightly away from body, return to centre and then bring opposite hand and knee to touch under body. Return to start position and repeat 6 times. Stretch in-between and repeat on the other side. See Core Workout 1

Squat, press, lunge – squat and press arms down and back, as you stand, lift both arms above head and one knee off the floor. Step forward with the lifted knee into a lunge position brining arms in line with shoulders and then pull back. Now push arms forward and up over your head whilst lifting knee back to balance. Place foot back down into wide squat and sit back with arms down.  Repeat on other leg. 20 – 30 times. Will take practice...!

Jumps – have a line (can be imaginary) or object you can safely jump over on floor. Skip over line/object 10 times with arms shoulder height, and 10 times arms overhead. Jump to make it harder. You can repeat more than 10 times if you wish, or for an awesome workout, do this between each of the exercises.... x

Running sit-up – Don’t worry if you are out of breath from the previous exercise – just get cracking. Do sit up with op elbow to knee, moving shoulder across rather than pulling on head. Cycle the legs, with the opp leg moving away from the body. To make harder, do this from lying position where you lift up and across to opposite knee or ankle.

Press Crawl – in press up position of your choice – knee, thighs or straight legs, Press up and move in a crawling fashion across the floor. Move to the other side of the room. Do the next exercise and then crawl back. Repeat for 4 times.

Hip Circles – in sitting position, place arms wide behind you and lift knees off the floor – move hands to comfy position and keep chest open. Lift both legs towards ceiling and keep pressed together. Draw a circle with the feet, starting small and working towards a full circle with feet sweeping the floor as you get stronger. Repeat 4 times and change direction.  Then crawl back and repeat.

For those of you who know me well, I don’t believe in doing a workout that stays within your comfort zone...however, I really believe it should be done well, so if you are losing form then gather your thoughts and begin again. Take your time to go to learn the moves and don’t compromise your back.  Enjoy J xx

1 comment:

  1. Such workouts can be easily done and you do not need supervision to do that. So it will be great if you can share workout videos for these exercises. Thanks in advance for your help.
